Revised dates for filing GSTR-ITC 04 under GST
Periodicity for filing of GSTR-ITC-04 pertaining to the goods dispatched to a job worker or received from a job worker or sent is revised vide notification No. 35/2021–Central Tax G.S.R. 659(E), dated 24th September, 2021 (Copy of Notification – Click) . Brief note on the same is as under:-
- Turnover upto Rupees 5 Crore : Annual Return on or before 25th April beginning with financial year 2021-22
- Turnover more than Rupees 5 crore : Half-yearly return from April to September and October to March due on 25th April and 25th October
Earlier ITC-04 was to be filed quarterly on or before the 25th day of the month after the end of quarter.
Job work means undertaking the work of processing on raw materials/ semi-finished goods supplied by the principal manufacturer to the job worker.
The principal manufacturer is allowed to take credit for tax paid on purchase of goods sent on job work subject to the condition that goods are received back within the period,
- Capital Goods- within three years and
- Input Goods – within one year
If the same is not received within the time it will be deemed as supply and GST will be changed.
ITC -04 contain the detail on the following parts:-
- Goods sent for job-work
- The details like Type of goods (Inputs/capital goods) ,challan number, GSTIN, tax amount etc should be mentioned in this.
- Goods received from job worker or supplied from business place of job-work
- The details of goods received back/sent out to another job worker/ supplied from premises of job worker should be mentioned in this.
Disclaimer : This is an effort by to contribute towards improving compliance management regime. User is advised not to construe this service as legal opinion and is advisable to take a view of subject experts.